Officiant Guide Sample for Sunday Service/Fellowship meeting/prayer meeting or devotion
Remember that preparation is the key
NB: Have a program with you written (write on paper or print it)
Get ready be on time and in the moment of prayer
Your role is to facilitate the audience to follow the program
Know exactly what to say and say it loudly with boldness
1. Introduction. Welcome and motivate the audience.
Eg. Hallelujah, praise God, God is good, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice it. After a worship song .......
We are going to start our service with a prayer led by .........................
Now it is time to cleanse ourselves, time to sanctify this place, the bible recommends us to be holy. Let us ask for forgiveness.
We will sing a short worship song and then we will call upon the presence of the holy spirit to take control. The anointing of God on us.
Now that we have been equipped by the power of the holy ghost, we are going to cast out all kind of evil spirit, destructions, the spirit of lies, negligence, intimidations, selfish, hypocrisy, unforgiveness, disobedience, jealousy, all behaviours contrary to God’s will. Always lead the congregation into prayer by saying “let us pray”
Pray for our church’s growth: kids ministry. Women, men, youth, choirs, praise and worship. Let us pray for unity love, hospitality, financial giving.
Pray for evangelism, outreach in the community
Pray for church leaders: pastors, evangelists, deacons, worship, and choir leaders, etc...
Pray for peace around the world: presidents, Ministers, military commanders, all officials in the government.
Pray for the sick to get healing
Pray for the preacher/for the word when it is time to hear the word of God.
It is nice to transition the next step with a worship song if possible. At the end call someone for the final prayer and ask if a prayer request was missed before closing the meeting.
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